News bits

News bits

Cod fisheries are on the verge of extinction, and the EU is trying to do something about it. The first suggestion was shutting down fishing altogether, but pressure from a variety of groups has led to some compromises.

Here's the article.

A New York judge has ruled that the state's ban on interstate wine shipping is unconstitutional. This is a big issue around the country, as consumers are prevented from getting many smaller wines unless a local store carries it. Since this benefits the distributors, they are working hard to keep these laws in place. But it hurts both the consumer and the winery, so people are fighting to get the laws changed. The full article

- Riesling In The Mosel Valley, The Art Of Eating, Issue 71
Photo by Melissa Schneider. A little less than a year ago, Melissa and I traveled through Germany's Mosel region, home to some of the world's best wines. I envisioned the trip as a vacation, but it seemed silly to not sell an article about...

- Take Action!
Since I started editing Growers & Grocers, I have become more political about my food, believe it or not. So here are two bills before the House of Representatives that you should know about. It's very easy to write your Representative, but a...

- Lodi - Insert Ccr Reference Here
It's been a year since I wrote a feature for The Wine News, though some of you may have noticed that they've assigned me smaller news pieces here and there. But I've had some other features in the wings as well, and the first of those is...

- Guest Contributor Derrick Schneider...
The current issue of The Wine News features an article by me about old vine wine (primarily Zinfandel). Longtime readers will note the irony of me writing about California wines. I tend to agree with the sentiment that California wine is more about...

- Food News For The Day
Here's a bunch of interesting snippets from food news. A packing plant in Pennsylvania had to recall beef from 11 states. If you haven't yet, go find a copy of Fast Food Nation at your local independent bookstore and read it. The practices of...

