Lodi - insert CCR reference here

Lodi - insert CCR reference here

Lodi Article - The Wine NewsIt's been a year since I wrote a feature for The Wine News, though some of you may have noticed that they've assigned me smaller news pieces here and there.

But I've had some other features in the wings as well, and the first of those is in the June/July 2005 issue. It's all about Lodi, a wine region in California's Central Valley. It was an interesting assignment. Normally I'm already into a topic when I try to sell a story—that's why I pitch it—but the Lodi piece grew from a very casual observation about the larger Lodi presence at this year's Zinfandel Festival. My editors suggested a piece heavy on Zinfandel with some travel elements, so I got to visit inns and restaurants as well as wineries. I'm intrigued by the region's transition from an anonymous source for bulk wine grapes to a New Thing on the national wine stage, and I love all the fiddly bits of history that every area offers.

Melissa found the issue at Cody's, so it's around. And yes, I know: One of these days I'll put some effort into making my clips available from this site.

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