Guest contributor Derrick Schneider...

Guest contributor Derrick Schneider...

The current issue of The Wine News features an article by me about old vine wine (primarily Zinfandel).

Longtime readers will note the irony of me writing about California wines. I tend to agree with the sentiment that California wine is more about the wine maker than what's in the bottle. But, hey, no one's yet offering to ship me off to France or Germany to write about my favorite wines, so I work with what I can.

There is a deeper irony, however. Part of why I got this assignment is that I've written for the well-regarded The Art of Eating. But my first article for that magazine (on the terroir of Western Paso Robles) hasn't appeared yet, while this one is on news stands now. The vagaries of publishing schedules, I guess.

While my Art of Eating work got me the nod for this assignment, The Wine News liked my work on this piece. It's probable that we'll be working together again; I'm already talking to them about some other story ideas.

- Clips, Clips, Everywhere Clips
Melissa and I are still traveling, enjoying New Zealand wine and food before heading to Australia, but we're in a hotel with a wireless Internet connection; I've caught up on the Internet. The whole thing. I've had some articles appear like...

- Edible East Bay: Home Wine Making
Photo by Melissa Schneider. The latest issue of Edible East Bay has arrived on news stands, and it features my article about East Bay home wine makers. This topic has fascinated me for a long time, so I had a good time learning more about it. Once...

- Riesling In The Mosel Valley, The Art Of Eating, Issue 71
Photo by Melissa Schneider. A little less than a year ago, Melissa and I traveled through Germany's Mosel region, home to some of the world's best wines. I envisioned the trip as a vacation, but it seemed silly to not sell an article about...

- Perusing The Wine List, The Wine News, August/september 2005
The August/September issue of The Wine News is running a feature of mine about wine list prices. I originally pitched a piece on what makes a good wine list, but since the piece ended up in the feature well, and not the comment columns. I decided to keep...

- Art Of Eating 67
However long I write about food and wine, my happiest memories will always include the day in June of 2003 when Ed Behr bought a story idea from me. It was the first food/wine story I sold (though not the first to press), and I, along with lots of serious...

