Perusing the Wine List, The Wine News, August/September 2005

Perusing the Wine List, The Wine News, August/September 2005

The Wine News, August/SeptemberThe August/September issue of The Wine News is running a feature of mine about wine list prices. I originally pitched a piece on what makes a good wine list, but since the piece ended up in the feature well, and not the comment columns. I decided to keep it a bit more educational. Why do restaurants charge those high markups? Has anyone beaten the "industry standard" model? (Yes) What should we as consumers expect of a restaurant charging a high markup? I still have strong opinions about what makes a good list (hint, it's not about size, no matter what Wine Spectator thinks), but I'll get to that eventually. It does annoy me that so many restaurants get a pass on their wine list from critics, but then again, most diners aren't interested in wine.

I got my copies and tear sheets, so I suspect that means it will be on stands in the next week or so. I've updated my clips section in the sidebar. Of course, if the June/July issue is still on stands, be sure and check out my Lodi article in that issue.

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