Take Action!

Take Action!

Since I started editing Growers & Grocers, I have become more political about my food, believe it or not. So here are two bills before the House of Representatives that you should know about. It's very easy to write your Representative, but a phone call carries a lot more weight.

First, HR 4167 would prevent local and state communities from imposing their own labelling laws. That means that if your state, or your town, wanted to require companies to identify genetically modified foods, you wouldn't be able to do it. I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that a nationally imposed label would serve corporations more than consumers. Call me cynical.

HR 710 provides federal funds to help start farmer's markets around the nation. You know how I feel about farmer's markets: They provide income to small farmers; they keep money in the local economy; the food is usually better. But many need a kick start to get going. This bill would help.

- Gng Recap 06/16/06
I'm in Southern California this weekend, but here's a look at some of the items we've covered at Growers & Grocers over the last week. Bruce Cole reposted his Edible San Francisco article about Northern California Slaughterhouses. ...

- Fields That Dream At Cody's Tonight
Sorry for the short notice, but if you've got the time, come to the Telegraph Cody's tonight to hear Jenny Kurzweil speak about her new book Fields That Dream. If you're local but can't come tonight, make sure to get to the Telegraph Cody's...

- Growers And Grocers
You may have seen the new food blog network that Kate and others have founded. It's called Well Fed, and it's set up much like Weblogs, Inc. in that it encompasses several topic-specific blogs. You may have also noticed that I'm the editor...

- Eat Local On The Cheap
Eat local. Shop at farmer's markets. Luxurious choices for the rich, right? That's the standard claim. But my friend Tim sent me this article at Better Times Info that shows how two people shopped at farmers' markets on a food stamp allowance....

- Food News For The Day
Here's a bunch of interesting snippets from food news. A packing plant in Pennsylvania had to recall beef from 11 states. If you haven't yet, go find a copy of Fast Food Nation at your local independent bookstore and read it. The practices of...

