GnG Recap 06/16/06

GnG Recap 06/16/06

I'm in Southern California this weekend, but here's a look at some of the items we've covered at Growers & Grocers over the last week.

- Ferry Plaza Farmers Market Turns 20
The Center for Urban Education and Sustainable Agriculture, aka CUESA is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Ferry Plaza farmers market. It's one of the best farmers market in America, and for good reason. In addition to being a showcase for some...

- Farmers Market Opens Today
Can we ever have too many farmers markets? I don't think so. One of the most exciting trends in the past few years has been the explosion in growth of farmers markets. According to the USDA, the number of farmers markets increased almost 20% between...

- Tighten The Grass-fed Label...again
A while back, I wrote a post on Growers and Grocers about the USDA's efforts to tighten the definition for "grass-fed." Their new definition would require a 99% grass diet before the label could be used (up from 80%). Now the USDA is considering...

- Gng Recap, 07/07/06
Here are some of the topics we've covered this week on Growers & Grocers I'm a big fan of the Ethicurean blog, after learning about it when I met one of the contributors Add Maryland to the list of states requesting disaster relief...

- Take Action!
Since I started editing Growers & Grocers, I have become more political about my food, believe it or not. So here are two bills before the House of Representatives that you should know about. It's very easy to write your Representative, but a...

