GnG Recap, 07/07/06

GnG Recap, 07/07/06

Here are some of the topics we've covered this week on Growers & Grocers

- Tighten The Grass-fed Label...again
A while back, I wrote a post on Growers and Grocers about the USDA's efforts to tighten the definition for "grass-fed." Their new definition would require a 99% grass diet before the label could be used (up from 80%). Now the USDA is considering...

- My Final Gng Recap, 07/13/06
Monday will be my last day as the editor of Growers & Grocers. I wish I could cite some press-generating motive, but in truth, my other projects don't leave me the time to give GnG the attention it deserves. I will continue to write for the site...

- Gng Recap 06/09/06
Here are some of the topics we covered on Growers & Grocers this week: Is your food carbon neutral? Does it bother you if it isn't? Should it? The government approved titanium dioxide-coated mica-based pearlescent pigments The USDA came...

- Gng Recap, 06/02
What's the what on Growers and Grocers? Here's a guide to some of the stories we've covered this week: You can tell the USDA what you think about "organic" milk from cows crammed into feedlots. A Quebec university will allow the first...

- Gng Recap May 26, 2006
Here are some of the tidbits we've covered on Growers & Grocers this week. Whole Foods worries about the plight of live soft-shell crabs but ignores the factory farm conditions at Horizon Organics. A stand of old American...

