Mondays with Maida - Whole-Wheat Honey Wafers

Mondays with Maida - Whole-Wheat Honey Wafers

Page 160 in the old book / page 198 in the new book

Last week was the first of a string of plain brown cookies that will be featured here over the coming weeks. This doesn't make for very interesting photos - hence the bow tie on these fellas. Though these cookies come in a plain brown wrapper, they are not at all plain. With honey, brown sugar, coffee, spices, and plenty of butter, you might not even realize that these crispy cookies are also whole wheat. In fact, I know at least one of the cookie panelists didn't.

Maida cautions that you not underbake these since they should be crisp. I'll second that - I didn't underbake any, but I tried one while still warm, before it had become crisp. It was not nearly as good as the fully cooled cookie. The texture of the warm cookie was dry, mealy, and verging on unpleasant. So, make sure you bake these long enough, resist temptation and allow them to fully cool, and then enjoy them!

Here's the panel...

Suzanne: "The taste of the cookie reminded me of a gingerbread cookie. The cookie’s shape was round, crunchy and melted in your mouth. I enjoyed the cookie and gave it a 4. Rating - 4.0"

Denny: "Little too crunchy but I liked them a lot. How can you not like something with that name? Rating - 3.0"

Laura: "A yummy mild spice cookie - crunchy with a nice texture. Rating - 3.5"

Terri: "Light and slightly spicey! These are delicious with a buttery flavor. Very similar to last week's 'Whole Wheat Sqaures' but a crunchier and spicer flavor. Rating - 3.5"

Overall rating by the panel - 3.5

Next Week - Wild-Honey and Ginger Cookies

Nutrition Facts

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