Mondays with Maida - Pecan Butterscotch Icebox Cookies

Mondays with Maida - Pecan Butterscotch Icebox Cookies

Page 139 in the old book / page 174 in the new book

This week brings another very easy to make butterscotch cookie, but this cookie gets its butterscotch flavor from butter and brown sugar alone. The flavor in these is more subtle and though crunchy, it's not the candy-like crunch of last week's cookie. The milder flavor and less brittle crunch allow the pecans to play a bigger role in the taste and texture of these cookies.

I liked these a lot and appreciated the fact that they were made without butterscotch morsels! They aren't a razzle dazzle cookie - just plain, good and true.

Here's the panel...

Suzanne: Delicious! The cookie was thin, crunchy and buttery. I loved the butterscotch and pecan combination. I could eat the whole box. Rating- 5.0"

Denny: "Just a little bit better than the last ones, but I'd still give them a 3. Rating - 3.0"

Laura: "Crunchy, nutty, and delicious. Rating - 4.0"

Terri: "These cookies have more of a buttery taste than a butterscotch taste. I almost wouldn't notice a butterscotch flavor. The crunchiness of the pecans and thinness (about 1/4" thick) make this a delicious treat. Rating - 3.5"

Overall rating by the panel - 3.9

Next week - Oatmeal Icebox Cookies

Nutrition Facts

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