Mondays with Maida - Brittle Peanut Bars

Mondays with Maida - Brittle Peanut Bars

Page 101 in the old book / page 141 in the new book

When you think of a bar cookie, generally you think of something moist and chewy, possibly with a little crunch on top. Most of the bar cookies sampled so far have fit that bill - but not these. Maida describes them as "hard, chewy, and crunchy like brittle candy". They were a nice change of pace.

Nic made these a few months ago (be sure to check out her post - her photo is just gorgeous) and found them to be more like shortbread than brittle. Mine were brittle just after cooling (which is when I sampled one) and reportedly quite brittle the next day. Either way, they are delicious - I love that contrast of sweet and salty.

As Nic said, they are "dead easy". They have all of 4 ingredients and you don't even have to grease the pan! The cookies are cut in the pan after having cooled just slightly (wait too long and a knife will be of little use). The bars lifted out of the pan easily and cleanly.

Here's the panel...

Suzanne: "The cookie was very sweet, but I like anything that's crunchy and with nuts. This truly did taste like a cookie. Rating - 4.0"

Denny: "Very brittle and well named. I'd give them a 2 and I love PB cookies. Rating - 2.0"

Laura: "De-lish! Crunchy, peanutty, and fabulous. Rating - 4.5"

Phil: "As advertised crunchy, buttery, and (yes) brittle. The buttery and nutty attributes were most prominent while the bar was not particularly sweet. Rating - 3.6"

Overall rating by the panel - 3.5

Next week - Hungarian Walnut Bars

Nutrition Facts

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