Mondays with Maida - Oatmeal Icebox Cookies

Mondays with Maida - Oatmeal Icebox Cookies

Page 140 in the old book / page 175 in the new book

I would classify these cookies as old-fashioned cookie jar cookies. They are sweet and crunchy with a generous helping of walnuts. Though they have an open, crunchy texture, they are quite sturdy and I expect they would ship well. With a little ginger and vanilla, they have a distinctive, but mild flavor.

Because of its crunchy, dry texture, I had a hunch that crumbling one over some vanilla ice might be nice. Having no ice cream on hand, I reserved a couple of cookies for that purpose and packed up the rest for the office. The next evening I picked up some vanilla ice cream and treated myself to a little ice cream a la cookie. It was delicious. Hmmm, bet they'd be good on top of some cooked fruit too - sort of like a crumble, buckle, or cobbler. Anyone up for a cookie crumble?

Here's the panel...

Suzanne: The cookie was crunchy but boring. There was nothing attractive about the cookie or appealing to the taste. A granola bar would have been more interesting to eat. Sorry, but this one is only getting a rating of 2. Rating- 2.0"

Denny: "A good cookie. Not spectacular, but good. Rating - 3.0"

Laura: "Crunchy and yummy! Rating - 4.5"

Herman: "I like oatmeal and crunchy … as a result, my rating on these cookies is 4.5 out of 5. Rating - 4.5"

Overall rating by the panel - 3.5

Next week - Peanut-Butter Pillows

Nutrition Facts

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