Mondays with Maida - Aspen Oatmeal Bars

Mondays with Maida - Aspen Oatmeal Bars

Page 111 in the old book / page 151 in the new book

These cookies were candy-like (so, so sweet) and crunchy, loaded with oats, and very easy. I wasn't especially impressed with them, but they did have their fans.

Honestly, there's not much else to say about them. As Phil will tell you (though I do think he took a little dramatic license), the story this week is about cookie day, not the cookies...

Suzanne: "TOO BUTTERY! I felt like I was eating buttered oatmeal. Rating - 2.0"

Denny: "They were OK. A little too sweet, but I like the crunch. I'd give them a 3.0. Rating - 3.0"

Laura: "Crunchy & sweet. Yummy. Rating - 4.0"

Phil: "Sweeeet and buttery..... but the more interesting story from cookiedom preceded the tasting. Confronted with snow, a building power outage, no running water, and orders to evacuate the building, the cookie tasters remained resolute awaiting the arrival of their cookie maiden. As always Cathy was not to disappoint, arriving breathless, covered with snow and firmly clasping that now familiar Tupperware tub of goodies, which we all sampled prior to being ushered out of the building for the day. Rating - 3.4"

Overall rating by the panel - 3.1

Next week - Texas Cowboy Bars

Nutrition Facts

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