Mondays with Maida - Cobblestones

Mondays with Maida - Cobblestones

Page 132 in the old book / page 168 in the new book

These are not cookies that stand up and say, "look at me!", yet they are everything I look for in a cookie - delicious, easy-to-make, chewy and satisfying. Though not unusual in any way, they are arguably my favorite cookie in the book.

Cobblestones are the kind of cookie I'd fill my cookie jar with - if I kept one filled (and but for those nasty worries of calories, saturated fat, and cholesterol, I would!) They hold up well over several days and are enjoyed by just about everyone.

These brown sugar and spice cookies are loaded with raisins and walnuts and enriched with butter and sour cream. They are not what you generally think of as an icebox cookie. The dough is pressed into a jelly-roll pan, chilled, and then cut into bars. This technique results in wonderfully thick cookies with a rectangular, "cobblestone" shape.

The cookie panel liked these very much, though perhaps they were not so enamored of them as I...

Suzanne: Even though the cookie had raisins, I actually liked this cookie. It had an interesting rectangle shape. The cookie was soft and therefore the texture fit in with the soft raisins. I loved the spices and found the cookie filling. Rating - 4.0"

Denny: "Very good. Rating - 4.0"

Laura: "Chewy, nutty-crunchy, and delicious! Rating - 3.5"

Terri: "A delicious mix of nuts and spices make this shapely cookie a real treat. The raisins could be fewer, but this combination is great. Rating - 4.0"

Overall rating by the panel - 3.9

Next week - Neapolitans

Nutrition Facts

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