Matt's Fancy Dinner

Matt's Fancy Dinner

Chateaubriand with Bernaise Sauce, Deep-Fried Souffled Potatoes and Herby Popovers

Just because I'm not a carnivore doesn't mean Matt has to give it up.

I've had this recipe kicking around for some time, and finally decided Matt had to have it.

Gorgeous cut of Australian grass-fed beef, a lovely sauce flavored with white wine vinegar and tarragon. Matt was speechless when he ate this.

In the early days, that concerned me. Had I done something wrong? Was the food horrid?

No, it just meant he was having a foodgasm, and couldn't talk just then.

These potatoes are actually much too good. Sinfully so.

Imagine the center of a French fry, but coated in batter and fried.

No...that's not good enough.

These potatoes are difficult to explain. Simple mashed potatoes are mixed with melted butter, water, egg and flour. Basically, the 'batter' is mixed into the potato.

It's then dropped by spoonfuls into hot oil, and fried till golden.

And then becomes little, pillowy, bites of heaven. I am not lying. I ate a couple, and swore I wouldn't touch another...they're dangerously good.

These mini-popovers were less 'herby' and more 'stinky cheese-y'. Not saying that's a bad thing, mind you.

Both chives and parsley in the batter, but the addition of crumbled Bleu cheese in the middle of each, well, that kind of overwhelmed the flavors of the herbs.

Future recipes...and yes, according to Matt, there will be future recipes...will employ a less-bite-y cheese.

But, Matt cleaned his plate (literally), so I think he liked it.

Oh, that and the fact he spent the rest of the evening telling me "dinner were really good".

Blog Party#19 is under way, and this month, we're taking Comfort in our favorite feel-good foods. Turn your favorite comforting treats to appetizers by Thursday, 15 February (thehappysorceress at gmail dot com), and hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Beef + Steak + Potatoes + Souffles + Baking + Herbs + Cheese + Popovers + Deep-Frying

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