Joey's Pizza?

Joey's Pizza?

(This post will make sense for only a select few; sorry.)

So...a few weeks back, I had this terrible craving for croissants.

Yes, I could make them myself. But it's a heck of a lot of work, and I had more important, Christmas cookie-y, things to attend to.

Even knowing the quality of a store-bought croissant, Matt picked up a box from one of the local grocery stores.

It occurred to me that, once empty, the box would serve as suitable storage for the aforementioned cookies.

For the past couple of weeks, it has been holding the occasionally over-sized sugar cookies, and living in the storage freezer.

New Year's day, however, as I was assembling a cookie tray for company, Matt (having watched several episodes with me) noticed something.

He pointed it out to me, and I pretty much freaked.

What caused such a reaction? I'll show you.

The underside of the store bakery croissant box is marked with the symbol of Rambaldi!!

Holy crap...does that mean my local grocer is evil?

It's ok, though...I have back-up.

Spy Alex

And Spy Puppy

(Don't feel bad if you're lost...)

This month, we're keeping things Black & White.

Our canapes, our drinks; everything in Black & White.

The party is Saturday, 20 January; please 'RSVP' by Thursday, 18 January, with your entries. (thehappysorceress at gmail dot com)

For more information about Blog Party, please visit the 'help' page here.

Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Christmas + Cookies + Croissants + Alias + TV + Rambaldi

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