Home Cooked & Hand-Made

Home Cooked & Hand-Made

For Christmas, my sister-in-law gave us the cookbook Noodle Fusion. Even a simple peruse showed promise; I picked the Ginger Noodles for the test run.

Red onion and ginger and garlic, stir fried, added to soaked and drained noodles, mixed with a flavored sauce and mung bean sprouts, topped with scallions.

I show two photos of the noodles because, in addition to the book, my SIL also sent along two settings of these gorgeous bowls

and these plates. Which she made!

Aren't they beautiful? The pictures don't capture the color properly, but they wonderful.

To go with the noodles, I marinated a chicken breast in lots of lime juice, soy sauce, mirin, and lemongrass for several hours, then grilled it on the stove. According to Matt, very lime-y. In a non-Anglo way.

This month, we're keeping things Black & White.

Our canapes, our drinks; everything in Black & White.

The party is Saturday, 20 January; please 'RSVP' by Thursday, 18 January, with your entries. (thehappysorceress at gmail dot com)

For more information about Blog Party, please visit the 'help' page here.

Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Asian + Noodles + Ginger + Pottery

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