Mirin Chicken with Ramen Noodles for Souper Sundays

From Noodle Fusion; a tasty little soup.
Chicken (or Quorn cutlets) is marinated with a reduction of mirin, soy sauce, (vegetable) broth, & sugar. Bring vegetarian dashi (sans bonito flakes) to boil, cook ramen for a couple minutes, drain, cover with foil, reserve broth.
The chicken or chicken-replacement-product is seared on each side, cooled & sliced.
Broth is boiled again, put noodles in bowls, pour broth over, top with chicken (or whatever), garnish...we used grated ginger & daikon matchsticks.
Skipped: black mushrooms
It's got some flavor, the noodles are fun, just a good soup.

Here you go, Deb! More soup for your Sunday.
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