Feel Better Soup

Feel Better Soup

Last weekend, Matt came down with...something. I don't know if chicken soup really is the cure-all to end-all, but I'd recently made a smoked chicken stock (remains of a whole chicken Matt had smoked with many vegetables & herbs), so it seemed the culinary stars were in alignment.

The most fragrant broth I've ever come across, simmered with several slices of ginger & a few Kaffir lime leaves (later strained out), and at the last minute, some noodles tossed in.

Doesn't look like much, but according to Matt, it was amazing. And eaten with a limited-edition, numbered, Star Trek Spork, it may just have helped him Feel Better.

Seems the only one who can drag me out of semi-blogging retirement is Deb, & her Souper Sundays...so, here you go!

- Something Resembling Italian Wedding Soup: Souper Sundays
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- Souper Sundays: Chicken Soup With Jasmine Rice & Ginger
It's been a while. But here's my contribution to Deb's Souper Sundays. A surprisingly filling soup. A homemade chicken broth for Matt, vegetable for us. Jasmine rice is simmered in water for a bit, then stock, salt, soy sauce (in place...

- Italian Chicken, Bean & Pasta Soup For Souper Sundays
This was a pretty awesome soup. Making stock from the remnants of this roast chicken, & using the recipe for Pasta and Bean Soup from Tom Valenti's Soups, Stews & One-Pot Meals...proscuitto crisped in oil, then lots of veggies, Stock, water, potatoes,...

- Souper Sundays: Chipotle Chicken Tortilla Soup
Another Sunday, another soup. Another chance to join up with Deb & Souper Sundays. This soup was all for Matt. I think the name explains all. I used this recipe, with a few changes. First, for the broth, I roasted the chicken beforehand, giving it a...

- Chicken Soup
I gotta tell you that I just love chicken. So let's continue with poultry. Let's find out how a good chicken soup is made. Chicken soup is a favorite around the world and has been so for centuries. There are probably as many recipes out there...

