I've Created a Monster!

I've Created a Monster!

Or actually, that should be, WE, the natural yeasts in the air and I, have created a monster. I can't wait to see what we can breed from it!:-)

- Sardine, Chickpea & Celery Salad
I created a "brain healthy" recipe for Posit Science that features canned sardines, an excellent choice for brain health, as they're rich in Omega-3 fatty acids but very low in mercury. I can't reprint it here just yet, so if you'd like to...

- 'b' Is For "brrrr' And 'blueberry'
Alex is a fruit monster. Cartons of berries disappear the day they're purchased. Melons last only as long as it takes to cut them up. The kid inhales fruit. One of his favorite fruits is blueberries. While shopping over the weekend, Matt noticed...

- Three Going On Thirty
Last week, Alex turned the big '3'. Still wrapping my brain around that one...I'm the mother of a three year old? Seriously? How the heck did that happen? There was food, a cake (not my best work, so no picture), and presents. Here's...

- Lack Of Mothering Yields Mother
Imagine pulling this slightly squishy, inch-plus thick disc out of a glass jar on your counter. I had ignored my white wine vinegar for a couple of months, but it was nonplussed by the neglect. It continued to churn out the material that lots of people...

- Sorry About The Blogroll
UPDATE: All better now. Just a quick note: I noticed that my blogroll, which is created automatically by Bloglines, has stopped working. I never turned off sharing, and now I can't turn it back on. But for some reason Bloglines thinks that I've...

