Sorry About the Blogroll

Sorry About the Blogroll

UPDATE: All better now.
Just a quick note: I noticed that my blogroll, which is created automatically by Bloglines, has stopped working. I never turned off sharing, and now I can't turn it back on. But for some reason Bloglines thinks that I've disabled it. I sent them a note, and hopefully they'll help me get it back up and running. (A lot of programmers prefer to make rather than "buy." This is why; when something breaks we have to wait for someone else to fix it.)

- Blogging By Mail: Update!
UPDATE As of 11:00 PM, EST, all BBM swap details have been sent out. Check your email for your information. If you didn't get one, email me immediately! Boxes are due to ship in just over a week...if you have any questions about what to send, please...

- Wdb: Guest Pups, Or Why Some People Shouldn't Be Allowed To Have Dogs
Say 'hello' to Duke and "Fluffy". A couple of neighborhood dogs who have been, effectively, turned out by their owners. Three weeks ago, they started hanging around my door. Being the animal lover I am, I went out to the porch to visit with them,...

- Farm-raised Wild Boar
Jack impelled me to catch up with my Bloglines backlog and read this detailed Frank Bruni post about the "wild" items you find on a restaurant menu. Guess what? They're not....

- We Interrupt This Blogcast
And so peer pressure has its way with me. Not that there's been a lot of pressure on me to do the "Four Things" post that even A-List bloggers have been deigning to do from high up on the blogosphere power law curve. But Pavel, who's a dear friend...

- Chef Derrick
As Melissa looked around at Tom's Winter Party, she noticed that Tom, William and Meriko (from her own website) looked elegant in their chef's uniforms, while my "fancy kitchen dress" was a black apron. So she came up with an idea for a Christmas...

