Farm-Raised Wild Boar

Farm-Raised Wild Boar

Jack impelled me to catch up with my Bloglines backlog and read this detailed Frank Bruni post about the "wild" items you find on a restaurant menu. Guess what? They're not.

- Noodle Fest 2010
Get the flash player here: You can keep Disneyland, for me the happiest place on earth is Noodle Fest. I am an absolute noodle fanatic, so from the moment I heard about the event, fostering unity between North Beach and...

- The River Cottage Meat Book
In some ways, this is one of the easiest reviews I’ve done: If you cook meat, buy The River Cottage Meat Book. Author Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall engages and entertains the reader with solid information about meat cookery, sustainable farming, and...

- Sorry About The Blogroll
UPDATE: All better now. Just a quick note: I noticed that my blogroll, which is created automatically by Bloglines, has stopped working. I never turned off sharing, and now I can't turn it back on. But for some reason Bloglines thinks that I've...

- Croatian Wine Country Travels
My friend Frank sent out a link to his business's new blog, which chronicles the travels of Blue Danube's web designer and his friend through the wine country in the Balkans. Blue Danube is an importer, wholesaler, and retailer, so I imagine the...

- Book Review: The Omnivore's Dilemma
Michael Pollan has a new book out. Have you heard? The Omnivore's Dilemma has hit bookstore shelves just as America's concern about food issues has unfurled like a bullwhip, a slow wave of defiance building to a snap at agribusiness's throat....

