We Interrupt This Blogcast

We Interrupt This Blogcast

And so peer pressure has its way with me. Not that there's been a lot of pressure on me to do the "Four Things" post that even A-List bloggers have been deigning to do from high up on the blogosphere power law curve. But Pavel, who's a dear friend and, not coincidentally, the person who married us, is the person doing the pressuring, and no one can resist Pavel. You'll just have to trust me on this.

So here are my "Four Things."

Four jobs I've had:
1. Assistant zookeeper
2. Veterinary assistant
3. Programmer
4. Writer

Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. The Princess Bride
2. Pirates of the Caribbean
3. The Lord of the Rings, as one long, continuous story
4. Groundhog Day (repeat viewings = nested loop, but in a good way)

Four places I've lived:
1. Yuma, AZ
2. The Philippines
3. Visalia, California
4. Oakland, California

Four TV shows I love: (Note, we don't watch a lot of TV)
1. Cowboy Bebop
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
3. The Simpsons
4. Veronica Mars

Four places I've vacationed:
1. Tampa, FL (blog post on that, forthcoming. As a sneak peek, I had the best taste of wine I've ever had in my life in Tampa)
2. Opatija, Croatia
3. Tokyo, Japan
4. Paris, France, often.

Four of my favorite dishes: (I was tempted to open this up and see if you all could guess them)
1. Duck confit (just cured/cooked some in the last two nights, in fact)
2. Terrine de foie gras
3. Braised Short Ribs
4. Really good charcuterie in any form.
Note, I do actually like vegetables. Just to clarify

Four sites I visit daily regularly:
1. Bloglines, which visits a hundred or so sites daily on my behalf.
2. The Java API reference.
3. Melissa's Photo Stream
4. Well Fed Main Page

Four places I'd rather be right now:
1. France
2. The French Laundry
3. Cooking
4. Six days in the future, when our release is done at work

Four bloggers I'm tagging:
1. Sean. C'mon, Sean, do an invective for us.
2. Heather
3. Phil
4. Mary Beth

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