'B' is for "Brrrr' and 'Blueberry'

'B' is for "Brrrr' and 'Blueberry'

Alex is a fruit monster. Cartons of berries disappear the day they're purchased. Melons last only as long as it takes to cut them up. The kid inhales fruit.

One of his favorite fruits is blueberries.

While shopping over the weekend, Matt noticed both strawberries and blueberries at the grocery store. They not only looked good, but were reasonably priced. So, he grabbed a couple cartons of both. You know, now. When the weather finally starts behaving accordingly. Two weeks ago, my flower bulbs were breaking through the ground. Today, I'm freezing.

Alex came home and informed me that he wanted blueberry muffins, because we now had the berries (earlier requests had been met with 'well, that's nice, but it's not blueberry season').

Turning once again the Williams-Sonoma Baking book, these gorgeous muffins made their debut to an appreciate audience. Words like 'yummy' and 'delicious' were being thrown around.

By an almost-four year old, mind you, but still praise.

Fairly basic recipe, although the addition of 1 tsp. cinnamon surprised me.

Their recipe 'made' 16 regular muffins. Using my jumbo pan, I got six. Someone's math is off.

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Baking + Muffins + Blueberries + Cookbooks + Williams-Sonoma

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