Three Going on Thirty

Three Going on Thirty

Last week, Alex turned the big '3'. Still wrapping my brain around that one...I'm the mother of a three year old? Seriously? How the heck did that happen?

There was food, a cake (not my best work, so no picture), and presents.

Here's some highlights.

A recipe from Martha Stewart's Kids magazine; a pressed sushi with cucumber and cream cheese. Tasty, but definitely needed another flavor...anything would do. But nice texture, and fun to eat.

I made this Mousetrap Mousse last year, as well. This time, I accidentally added twice the amount of cottage cheese, so it didn't hold it's shape. Still, that stuff is good!

There were tiny BLT's; rounds of toasted sourdough bread, leaves from a bag of spring mix, sliced cherry tomatoes, and pieces of bacon. Very tasty.

And a rather amazing pasta salad...and Matt's new favorite.

Sundried tomatoes, pureed with olive oil, garlic and capers, and balsamic vinegar, tossed with fusilli. Add tomatoes (I used grape tomatoes), fresh, cubed, mozzarella, lots of basil and lots of grated Parmesan; toss to mix. The recipe also called for olives, but I since I can't stand 'em, I left them out.

And this is one of the recipes that gets better with age. Days two and three, Matt said it was even better. Simple to make, fairly healthy, and really good.

Alex ate a lot of dip, which is fine. It's fairly healthy, and he ended up eating cucumbers, scallions, avocado and parsley!

I also made chocolate chip cookies, with a 'bite' taken from each; we were having a Cookie Monster party, after all! No picture, for some reason; but they sure were cute.

It was a nice party, and now my 'little' boy is a year older. Can't wait to see what happens next!

Tagged with: Food and Drink, Birthday, Parties, Kids, Cake, Cookie Monster,Sesame Street

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