I'm writing for Epicurious again!

I'm writing for Epicurious again!

I am very happy to be writing for the Epicurious blog, Epilog again. I'm writing twice a week, and will be sharing some posts on intriguing flavor combinations. I hope you will check out my posts and please do leave comments and tell me what you think of my combos and how you would suggest using them. My first post is on the combination of rhubarb, cinnamon and rosewater. Coincidentally, the New York Times published a story about rosewater just yesterday.

I've been very busy lately writing posts for Epilog and for Amy & Amy Between Bites as well as pieces for Cheers magazine and Gastronomica, so hopefully that explains why it's been a little quiet around here lately. I am traveling quite a bit this month, but hope to post here again soon....



- Potluck Posts 12/2
Since my last post I've been to Miami where I snacked on a fabulous medianoche sandwich. I made appetizers and Emily Luchetti's Cranberry Pecan Pumpkin Upside Down Cake for Thanksgiving and am now heading off again, this time to Montreal for...

- Japan Or Bust!
I'm heading off to Japan for a two week vacation. I will try to post while I'm gone, but no promises! In the meantime, feel free to check out my posts, there are many of them in the queue over at the Epicurious blog, Epi Log, and posts from...

- The New Epicurious Guest Blogger
I've been sitting on some very exciting news for a long time now. But today is the launch day for the new version of Epicurious and I am one of the daily guest contributors! I am in the very best of company with people I greatly admire and respect...

- Food Bloggers Picnic
Instead of the usual "Posts of the Week", I hope you'll enjoy a taste of today's picnic. For more posts: Bay Area Bites 101 Cookbooks Becks & Posh Bunrabs I'm Mad and I Eat Life's A Picnic Dessert First Jennifer Jeffrey Eggbeater keep...

- New Feature - Favorite Posts
I added a new feature to OWF. It's a list of "Favorite Posts," my (and often your) most beloved posts here on this site. I'll update it every so often, adding new posts or editing ones that are already in there (Recent Dinner Party will always...

