Potluck Posts 12/2

Potluck Posts 12/2

Medianoche sandwich at El Pub Restaurant
Since my last post I've been to Miami where I snacked on a fabulous medianoche sandwich. I made appetizers and Emily Luchetti's Cranberry Pecan Pumpkin Upside Down Cake for Thanksgiving and am now heading off again, this time to Montreal for the weekend.

Over on the Frommer's website, on the Amy & Amy Between Bites blog you'll find a post that features an interview with Dorie Greenspan. I got her thoughts on cooking at home and in Paris and bunch of great recommendations plus a recipe. You'll also find an interview with Vanessa Barrington where she shares tips for making food to take when you travel, plus a recipe from her book, DIY Delicious.

On the Epicurious blog, EpiLog are posts on intriguing flavor combinations. Read about the combination of Peppermint & Mocha, Pecans & Pumpkin Pie Spice, including a recipe for roasted pumpkin pie spice pecans, Cranberries & Camembert, and a post on Savory Oatmeal ideas.

Next week I hope to have some more cookbook recommendations, and a new recipe. I've been working on a number of recipes for clients and as soon as those go online I will let you know.

- Potluck Posts 10/17
If things have seemed a little quiet around here, it's because I've been busy traveling, writing and developing recipes. Since many of you have asked, each week I will be sharing links to recipes and posts I have written. Thanks for your interest...

- I'm Writing For Epicurious Again!
I am very happy to be writing for the Epicurious blog, Epilog again. I'm writing twice a week, and will be sharing some posts on intriguing flavor combinations. I hope you will check out my posts and please do leave comments and tell me what you...

- Where's Amy?

- Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving. My favorite holiday and here's why: 1. Friends and Family 2. Open to everyone, no citizenship requirements 3. Great food 4. Nothing required of you other than to eat and be thankful 5. Devoid of excess commercialism unlike you-know-what...

- Dining With The Bloggers - October 5th
I have a feeling I'll be preaching to the choir when I tell you all that you really must spend some time reading Nic's blog, Bakingsheet. I expect that anyone that hangs around here is already very familiar with Nic's fantastic blog. I certainly...

