Dining with the Bloggers - October 5th

Dining with the Bloggers - October 5th

I have a feeling I'll be preaching to the choir when I tell you all that you really must spend some time reading Nic's blog, Bakingsheet. I expect that anyone that hangs around here is already very familiar with Nic's fantastic blog. I certainly don't keep up with all the food blogs (who could?), so I could be wrong, but I think Nic is one of the most prolific food bloggers out there. She usually posts five or six times a week. Her posts are generally succinct, loaded with information, and almost always capped off with a recipe. Just yesterday she had a wonderful essay on the origin of the word pumpernickel and, of course, a recipe. Best of all, it is obvious that Nic has amassed considerable expertise on the subject of baking and that she has a knack for sharing her knowledge with others.

Given all that, it seems a shame that the recipe I've chosen to highlight this week is not one of Nic's wonderful bread, cookie, muffin, or cake recipes. I just couldn't fit that in this week - sorry! But this is a wonderful recipe nonetheless. It is Pumpkin Spice Mocha, with a little bonus recipe for making your own pumpkin pie spice. It's easy to make, you probably have all the necessary ingredients on hand, and it tastes great! You'll see my picture below, but Nic has a much nicer photo in her post. I used skim milk and no pretty cinnamon stick garnish, so mine doesn't have quite the visual appeal of Nic's. I really liked it though. And after trying it a second time with a little added cream, I've decided I actually prefer it with skim milk (but that may be just me, skim milk is all I drink these days).

So go fix yourself a cup, get comfy in front of the computer, and take a little time to enjoy all that Bakingsheet has to offer!

I haven't heard a peep from Zarah since last week and the big move to the new apartment (and kitchen), so I'm not even sure if she has internet access yet. But if it's humanly possible for her to post, I'm sure she won't miss an opportunity to dine with the bloggers!

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