
For all those food bloggers who post entries everyday, I have no idea how you do it! I have had a few things come up like the subscription offer yesterday and the "Be Rachael Ray for a Day" event tomorrow that require that I post more frequently than I usually do it and frankly it's a bit much! Nonetheless I did want to share some wonderful posts of the week.

First off Kate of Accidental Hedonist may be known for her rants and taking on "the man" but her recipes, especially Italian ones are what really get me heading for the kitchen. This week's recipe for Malfatti looks and sounds like a real winner.

Next are two sentimental posts from two of my favorite food bloggers. One about the beginning of a life and the other about an ending. Both are moving and stuck with me long after I read them. Cindy of Food Migration has moved to Paris to begin culinary school and Karletta of Culinary Muse writes about toasting the passing of a friend. I hope you enjoy the posts of the week especially if you missed them the first time around.

This week's posts are about sweets and meats! Walking around one of the greatest cities, Sweet Napa spends a day enjoying treats in New York. In Paris my colleague over at Bay Area Bites, Cucina Testa Rossa, heads to Pierre Hermes to check out the...

I considered lots of blog posts for this week, but when it came right down to it, starting with the following intriguing introduction, one blogger won me over completely. "I revisit some of my favourite childhood memories through food and song. It is...

This week I had no trouble finding great posts from faraway places. I am listing three of my favorite posts and also one from the previous week that I only discovered this week, but it's too good to pass up. Molly from Boston has a blog called My...

- Dining With The Bloggers - October 5th
I have a feeling I'll be preaching to the choir when I tell you all that you really must spend some time reading Nic's blog, Bakingsheet. I expect that anyone that hangs around here is already very familiar with Nic's fantastic blog. I certainly...

- Return Of The Dead: Dining With The Bloggers!
Yes, that's right! :-) Dining with the Bloggers was - or actually, that should be is - a project Cathy of My Little Kitchen laid out for herself in January last year: she wanted to try out some of all the recipes she kept bookmarking, and not just...

