
I considered lots of blog posts for this week, but when it came right down to it, starting with the following intriguing introduction, one blogger won me over completely.

"I revisit some of my favourite childhood memories through food and song. It is with each passing Christmas, I grow more sentimental to the traditions my family once continued from generations before, traditions that have since been lost."

So I give you my pick for posts of the week, the first three installments of One Whole Clove's Christmas in Quebec.

Part 1 Homemade Baked Beans

Part 2 Casse Croute

Part 3 Sucre a la creme

Not only are her first three posts wonderful, but she has vowed to continue with her series right through until the holiday arrives! I do hope you'll bookmark the site and come back for the rest of what promises to be an outstanding series.
Bravo Sarah Lou!

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- I'm Writing For Epicurious Again!
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- Japan Or Bust!
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- While Visions Of Food Prep Danced In Their Heads
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