
This week I had no trouble finding great posts from faraway places. I am listing three of my favorite posts and also one from the previous week that I only discovered this week, but it's too good to pass up.

Molly from Boston has a blog called My Madeleine in which she chronicles her working from the bottom up in the restaurant biz. Her post a sweetbreads overkill really makes you feel the buzz of a restaurant kitchen, it's a feast for the senses.

David in Paris cracks me up yet again with his post about fresh shelling beans. For anyone who has ever bought an ingredient and used it once, this post will surely ring true.

Continuing the theme of beans is a post all the way from Malaysia. Boo_licious makes an edamame mint pesto pasta that looks and sounds divine! Check out this tantalizing recipe and photo.

Finally, a post from Alberto the Italian blogger living in German and the father of "Is My Blog Burning?". Last week he posted his "ten (food related)things to do before you die:the Italy for foreigners list". As someone who once lived in Italy I wholeheartedly recommend his list and his wonderful post.

This week Posts of the Week has a theme, and it is chocolate! I really did think that Culinary in the Desert should have changed to "Culinary and the Dessert" when Joe moved from Arizona to Maryland. Obscene chocolate love post includes Thick Mint Brownies...

I thought I'd find lots of Cinco de Mayo posts this week, but I only found a few. Not surprisingly two recipes were inspired by Rick Bayless. If you are ever in Chicago do yourself a favor and check out his restaurants Frontera Grill or Topolobampo...

Have you ever wondered what happens when food meets design? You'll have to head over to Movable Feast to find out! This week Louisa reported back from a special exhibition in Paris that attempts to answer that very question. This week one particular...

For all those food bloggers who post entries everyday, I have no idea how you do it! I have had a few things come up like the subscription offer yesterday and the "Be Rachael Ray for a Day" event tomorrow that require that I post more frequently than...

I love the weekly "posts of the week" feature over at Too Many Chefs. I can't help but find myself heading over there every Friday to see what they've discovered. Recently Foodgoat also jumped on the bandwagon, even choosing one of my posts as...

