
Have you ever wondered what happens when food meets design? You'll have to head over to Movable Feast to find out! This week Louisa reported back from a special exhibition in Paris that attempts to answer that very question.

This week one particular recipe caught my eye. It's a delicious idea for making gravlax. In Praise of Sardines posted the recipe which uses lemongrass instead of dill. As is pointed out in the post, the wild salmon season is almost over. At the Alemany Farmer's Market I found bunches of lemongrass for only 50 cents yesterday, surely kismet!

Finally My Little Kitchen and A Full Belly both pointed out a new search engine. While it's only just launched, check out Foodie View and give it a whirl next time you are looking for recipes.

Next week stay tuned for another contest at Cooking with Amy.

This week three highly entertaining posts to enjoy like the fleeting sun... I've missed reading Brett's posts over at In Praise of Sardines, fortunately, he's back! And this week he posted about the art of frying an egg, taking us from a...

Here are three posts that caught my attention this week. They are written by that rare species, the male food blogger. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did. First off at Jamfaced, a British blogger blogs about a crusade, a call to arms, what...

Posts of the Week returns! Here are some of my favorites this week. First off, In Praise of Sardines takes on the existence of sardines once and for all with a thoughtful well-researched post. Tigers and Strawberries reviews a book about the history...

This week I had no trouble finding great posts from faraway places. I am listing three of my favorite posts and also one from the previous week that I only discovered this week, but it's too good to pass up. Molly from Boston has a blog called My...

- Where Did The Feast Move From?
A fellow National Puzzlers' League member posed a question to the mailing list: Where does movable feast come from? The answer isn't "the title of a Hemingway novel." A flurry of word geeks chimed in, and I guess it's no surprise that Wikipedia...

