
Here are three posts that caught my attention this week. They are written by that rare species, the male food blogger. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did.

First off at Jamfaced, a British blogger blogs about a crusade, a call to arms, what is he blogging about again? You'll just have to visit to find out. I promise it's worth it.

Second let's go even farther and to Asia where a certain street-food focused blog, Noodlepie discovers the best sandwich in Saigon. Or does he? You be the judge. Personally I think I may have to check it out when I go to Saigon next January.

Finally back to my own backyard for another adventure with In Praise of Sardines. This week he delves into molecular gastronomy to whip up pure chocolate...


This week the food blogging world was filled with posts about Summer fruit, ice cream and sweet peas. But the theme of my posts of the week is posts from bloggers who have been missing in action lately. Welcome back! Which is worse, skipping a meal...

This week three highly entertaining posts to enjoy like the fleeting sun... I've missed reading Brett's posts over at In Praise of Sardines, fortunately, he's back! And this week he posted about the art of frying an egg, taking us from a...

Have you ever wondered what happens when food meets design? You'll have to head over to Movable Feast to find out! This week Louisa reported back from a special exhibition in Paris that attempts to answer that very question. This week one particular...

- Happy Blog Day!
Today is Blog Day 2005. The idea behind blog day is to choose 5 new blogs and share them with your readers. I have chosen 5 blogs launched in the last 6 months and you can find the full post with blog descriptions over at Bay Area Bites where I post...

- Saigon Sandwich Restaurant
Like some other recent food trends (nouvelle cuisine comes to mind) fusion has gotten a bad rap. On the surface, the idea of combining two cuisines to come up with something new sounds positively dreadful. Does anyone really want Chinese-Italian food?...

