
This week the food blogging world was filled with posts about Summer fruit, ice cream and sweet peas. But the theme of my posts of the week is posts from bloggers who have been missing in action lately. Welcome back!

Which is worse, skipping a meal or missing a plane? To help you make up your mind on this issue, skip over to In Praise of Sardines to read this weeks most hilarious post.

You may have heard about Incanto's head-to-tail feasts, but check out SF Gourmet's description of a Strawberry Dinner. More themed dinners are on the menu at Incanto, a restaurant on my neverending list of places to try.

Near disaster in the kitchen doesn't keep Grub Report from posting, in fact it seems to have inspired a post, with a delicious photo to boot. I'm now convinced, roasted or steamed, fresh corn is the ultimate Summer food!


Well this is what happens when you sleep in. I was going to tell you about this cool new sushi blog, but someone beat me to it. And I was going to tell you about the redesign of Grub Report but someone else beat me to it. So, I give you some posts I...

Sometimes I choose posts that have a certain common theme, other times, there is no theme at all. This time the theme is just that I am really overdue for vacation. Each of these posts will transplant you to another time and place... Becks & Posh...

- Food (and Wine) Bloggers Picnic/barbecue
Top 5 ways you know a food and wine blogger picnic is successful: 1. Your clothes and hair smell sweetly of smoke, and you like it 2. You are so full from eating all afternoon you have to skip dinner: Mmm Adrienne's summery fresh succotash with...

This week I had no trouble finding great posts from faraway places. I am listing three of my favorite posts and also one from the previous week that I only discovered this week, but it's too good to pass up. Molly from Boston has a blog called My...

I love the weekly "posts of the week" feature over at Too Many Chefs. I can't help but find myself heading over there every Friday to see what they've discovered. Recently Foodgoat also jumped on the bandwagon, even choosing one of my posts as...

