Food (and wine) Bloggers Picnic/Barbecue

Food (and wine) Bloggers Picnic/Barbecue

Top 5 ways you know a food and wine blogger picnic is successful:

1. Your clothes and hair smell sweetly of smoke, and you like it

2. You are so full from eating all afternoon you have to skip dinner:

Mmm Adrienne's summery fresh succotash with the sweetest corn ever

My herby potato salad, no mayo, no onions!

Sam's super local salad of oven roasted tomatoes, purslane, sorrel and chevre

Dr. Biggles smoky pork roast stuffed with chard and walnuts

Shuna's scrumptious berry pie
This is only a small sampling of the spread...

3. You're inspired to design a new bumper sticker:

4. Many attendees post about it the very next day:
Becks & Posh


Love & Cooking



Even someone who didn't make it posts about it:
Grub Report

5. Bacon is served as an appetizer, yup, you heard right, just slices of sizzling bacon...

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Guy Prince is a man with focus. He grills and he smokes and coaxes the best out of food in his own unmistakeable way. Who else would serve squares of bacon as an appetizer at a picnic? There is no mistaking the man, his food or his writing. He's...

- Food Bloggers Wine.dine.donate
Back in September I was a guest at a benefit dinner for America's Second Harvest, along with a couple of other local food bloggers. Epicurious put together a wonderful program called Wine.Dine.Donate that encouraged people to attend dinners or put...

- Food Bloggers Picnic
Instead of the usual "Posts of the Week", I hope you'll enjoy a taste of today's picnic. For more posts: Bay Area Bites 101 Cookbooks Becks & Posh Bunrabs I'm Mad and I Eat Life's A Picnic Dessert First Jennifer Jeffrey Eggbeater keep...

This week the food blogging world was filled with posts about Summer fruit, ice cream and sweet peas. But the theme of my posts of the week is posts from bloggers who have been missing in action lately. Welcome back! Which is worse, skipping a meal...

- Bacon, Bacon, Bacon
Let us now sing the praises of bacon. Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love, love, love bacon. It's got just about every taste sensation I crave--sweet, salty, and smoky. And then the texture, crisp, crunchy, and chewy all at the same time....

