
Well this is what happens when you sleep in. I was going to tell you about this cool new sushi blog, but someone beat me to it. And I was going to tell you about the redesign of Grub Report but someone else beat me to it. So, I give you some posts I really like that I don't think anyone else has blogged about...yet! This week's theme? Tasty French or French inspired posts.

I've never spent Thanksgiving out of the country, but if I had to choose, Lucy's description (from Lucy's Kitchen Notebook) of what it's like in Lyon right now sounds pretty wonderful.

Bea of La Tartine Gourmande asks "Can you really dislike a gratin?" For me the answer is no. In fact, it's one of the things to look forward to as the weather turns chilly.

Alice Q Foodie takes a class in French Pastry, then she shares the secrets with us. Nice one.

Finally an obscene French chocolate post, from my colleague from Bay Area Bites, Laura, aka cucina testa rossa. Ok, maybe it's not obscene, but Chocolate Ooze Cake sure sounds outrageously good.


- French Food In Vietnam
I came here to eat Vietnamese food, but French food is very much part of the culinary landscape. So I eat French food too. Actually I enjoy French food. So far anyway, the French food I have had has been excellent, though not exactly the same same as...

This week Posts of the Week has a theme, and it is chocolate! I really did think that Culinary in the Desert should have changed to "Culinary and the Dessert" when Joe moved from Arizona to Maryland. Obscene chocolate love post includes Thick Mint Brownies...

This week the food blogging world was filled with posts about Summer fruit, ice cream and sweet peas. But the theme of my posts of the week is posts from bloggers who have been missing in action lately. Welcome back! Which is worse, skipping a meal...

Sometimes I choose posts that have a certain common theme, other times, there is no theme at all. This time the theme is just that I am really overdue for vacation. Each of these posts will transplant you to another time and place... Becks & Posh...

I've never been to Alabama, Mississippi or Louisiana. But I've always dreamed of going to New Orleans. I've seen and heard so much about it especially from other food bloggers. This past week many food bloggers shared their memories of New...

