
Posts of the Week returns! Here are some of my favorites this week.

First off, In Praise of Sardines takes on the existence of sardines once and for all with a thoughtful well-researched post.

Tigers and Strawberries reviews a book about the history and cultural context of curry. Having made a very non-Indian "curry" this past week this not only caught my eye but was a great read.

What would the wrap-up be without a recipe? Esurientes discovers a "Delicious" food magazine, a terrific scallop recipe and another use for frozen peas. It doesn't hurt that the recipe was created by Nigella Lawson.

This week's theme is recipes from history. If you haven't already discovered The Old Foodie you ought to take a look. Here you'll find illustrations, stories and recipes from history each weekday. This post caught my attention because I...

This week the food blogging world was filled with posts about Summer fruit, ice cream and sweet peas. But the theme of my posts of the week is posts from bloggers who have been missing in action lately. Welcome back! Which is worse, skipping a meal...

This week three highly entertaining posts to enjoy like the fleeting sun... I've missed reading Brett's posts over at In Praise of Sardines, fortunately, he's back! And this week he posted about the art of frying an egg, taking us from a...

Isn't it fun to look in other people's kitchens and see what's cooking? This week take a sneak peek. Hold the Raisins gets an expiration date mandate and cooks up a storm. A hearty pasta is the result. Toast ponders a final market box and...

Have you ever wondered what happens when food meets design? You'll have to head over to Movable Feast to find out! This week Louisa reported back from a special exhibition in Paris that attempts to answer that very question. This week one particular...

