
Isn't it fun to look in other people's kitchens and see what's cooking? This week take a sneak peek.

Hold the Raisins gets an expiration date mandate and cooks up a storm. A hearty pasta is the result.

Toast ponders a final market box and makes borscht, a terrific recipe that speaks to the soul.

In Praise of Sardines praises anchovies! Are salt-packed better than oil-packed? You'll have to check out the post to get to the bottom of the controversy and learn the surprising truth.

Note: the Cooking with Amy email newsletter is due out any day now, in it you'll find a recap of November posts and a sneak peek at the offerings for December. Sign up using the form in the left column.

- Did You Get It?
Just a quick note to say the monthly email newsletter went out today. If you didn't get it, feel free to sign up for it and I'll send you a copy. It is a double opt-in system, so after you sign up you'll be asked to confirm your subscription....

- August Newsletter
Just a quick note to say the monthly email newsletter is going out today. If you'd like to receive it, feel free to sign up. It is a double opt-in system, so after you sign up you'll be asked to confirm your subscription. In other words, if...

- Did You Get It?
Just a quick note to say the monthly email newsletter went out today. If you didn't get it, feel free to sign up for it and I'll send you a copy. It is a double opt-in system, so after you sign up you'll be asked to confirm your subscription....

- September Newsletter
Just a head's up that the September issue of the Cooking with Amy newsletter went out today. It includes a recap and links to some of the posts of the past month and also some links to interesting sites I've come across recently. If you didn't...

- Seeking Recipe Testers!
Have you ever wanted to be a recipe tester? You know, try out recipes and report back on how they turned out--what went wrong or what could be improved? I know I have. Well here's a great opportunity to do it. Next year Collectors Press is publishing...

