August Newsletter

August Newsletter

Just a quick note to say the monthly email newsletter is going out today. If you'd like to receive it, feel free to sign up. It is a double opt-in system, so after you sign up you'll be asked to confirm your subscription. In other words, if you don't confirm, you are not subscribed.

The newsletter provides links to some posts from the prior month, a sneak peek at what's coming up as well as some links to sites I think you'll like. This month I share my thoughts about tomato season and links to Italian recipes, food oral histories and to the site of an amazing artist who creates food out of paper. Thanks again for visiting and staying in touch! I promise to have a new post soon...

- Did You Get It?
Just a quick note to say the monthly email newsletter went out today. If you didn't get it, feel free to sign up for it and I'll send you a copy. It is a double opt-in system, so after you sign up you'll be asked to confirm your subscription....

- Are You On The List?
Just a quick note to say the monthly email newsletter will go out today. If you are not on the mailing list, feel free to sign up so you can receive a copy. It is a double opt-in system, so after you sign up you'll be asked to confirm your subscription....

- Did You Get It?
Just a quick note to say the monthly email newsletter went out yesterday afternoon. If you didn't get it, feel free to sign up for it and I'll send you a copy. It is a double opt-in system, so after you sign up you'll be asked to confirm...

- Did You Get It?
Just a quick note to say the monthly email newsletter went out this morning. If you didn't get it, feel free to sign up for it and I'll send you a copy. It is a double opt-in system, so after you sign up you'll be asked to confirm your...

- Did You Get It?
Just a quick note to say the monthly email newsletter went out last night. If you didn't get it, feel free to sign up for it and I'll send you a copy. It is a double opt-in system, so after you sign up you'll be asked to confirm your subscription....

