
This week's posts are about sweets and meats!

Walking around one of the greatest cities, Sweet Napa spends a day enjoying treats in New York.

In Paris my colleague over at Bay Area Bites, Cucina Testa Rossa, heads to Pierre Hermes to check out the Fall collection of pastries and chocolates. It's almost like being there except not nearly as fattening!

Having recently read Heat, it was great to read a blog post about the larger-than-life butcher Dario Cecchini. Head over to Jam Faced to hear his story.
In case you missed it, Dario Cecchini has a little piece in the LA Times about a delicacy so good it was once forbidden for virgins to partake(!) Read it here.

p.s. Still no winner on the September Culinary Quiz. If no one guesses correctly by Monday I will choose a runner up.


This week a bunch of sweet posts. Sweet Napa reports from Pierre Herme in delicious detail. It's her favorite pastry shop in Paris, mai oui! There's been a flurry of activity over at Albion Cooks lately. But the post on baking with lavender...

- Favorite Things: Charles Chocolates
You probably think you know what this is, right? A box of chocolates, with some missing. Oh, but it's so much more than that. First of all, this box of chocolates is a box of Charles Chocolates. If you're lucky enough to have had Charles Chocolates...

Carbonated oranges, balsamic nitrogen ice cream, edible sushi paper and corn foam--you may not want to eat it but you are curious, right? Check out the Movable Feast's latest visit to Moto in Chicago. Is devouring the photos from the Chocolate Salon...

Go ahead, says David Lebovitz, have a croissant. This week we got the good news that a croissant may be healthier than baguette, butter and jam. Who knew? If you're looking for a way to turn a croissant into a luscious dessert, She Who Eats offers...

For all those food bloggers who post entries everyday, I have no idea how you do it! I have had a few things come up like the subscription offer yesterday and the "Be Rachael Ray for a Day" event tomorrow that require that I post more frequently than...

