
Go ahead, says David Lebovitz, have a croissant. This week we got the good news that a croissant may be healthier than baguette, butter and jam. Who knew?

If you're looking for a way to turn a croissant into a luscious dessert, She Who Eats offers up a terrific idea for a croissant topped with roasted fruit. Check it out here.

Is it possible to ever have enough posts about Pierre Herme? I think not! Check out the Autumn/Winter Collection of Pierre Herme Desires at Movable-Feast.

Finally a little plug for a new blog that is sponsoring yet another online event, I like 'em spicy. What do you expect from a blog called Hooked on Heat?

- Breakfast Of Champions!
I know what you're probably thinking. Leftover spaghetti is NOT breakfast food. But it is for me! I get bored eating only traditional American fare like eggs, cereal, pancakes and waffles. According to my research, leftover spaghetti is not a traditional...

- Breakfast Buffets--asian Hotel Style
Asian hotel breakfast buffets are a spectacle that cannot truly be captured by camera. There's nothing quite like them. A typical day? Here at the Hotel Majestic there is a selection of exotic fruits including those tiny creamy bananas and juicy...

This week my choice of posts range from sensible to shocking to sublime. I hope you enjoy them. Can you make a delectable meal completely by shopping at Trader Joe's? Sure you can! Stephanie of The Grub Report frequently does and shares her top...

- 14 & .5
I rarely get cravings, and there's very little in the way of baked goods that even come close to tempting me. But I do love crossiants. Oh, my, do I ever. Unfortunately, not since we left California have I come across a truly good one. I keep looking,...

- Herbed Scrambled Egg, Spinach & Brie-stuffed Croissants
I may never learn what it is about breakfast foods, exactly, that gives them such unending appeal. Why something as simple as eggs & toast can make you feel complete. What it is about pancakes that provides such happiness. Perhaps it's slated to...

