
This week my choice of posts range from sensible to shocking to sublime. I hope you enjoy them.

Can you make a delectable meal completely by shopping at Trader Joe's? Sure you can! Stephanie of The Grub Report frequently does and shares her top picks.

While out shopping with the very same Stephanie, I came upon a butcher's counter with huge slabs of pork belly.
The first little voice said "go for it".
While the second little voice said "you have jumped off the gym bandwagon you may NOT buy that".
Apparently the first little voice had more luck with Derrick at Obsession with Food, who shares his handiwork with a ten pound slab.

Want to be your own Pierre Herme? Ok then check out Food Musings chocolate truffle adventures. After Catherine's success, I am tempted to try this one with orange or kumquat peel instead of lime...that is if the second little voice doesn't win out again.


Well this is what happens when you sleep in. I was going to tell you about this cool new sushi blog, but someone beat me to it. And I was going to tell you about the redesign of Grub Report but someone else beat me to it. So, I give you some posts I...

- Still Hungry?
READ MORE Over at Bay Area Bites is my interview with Anthony Bourdain about his current TV show, No Reservations. And part two, the "nasty bits" posted by my colleague Stephanie of the Grub Report. FOOD + TRAVEL + TELEVISION©2016 Cooking with Amy....

- O Look What's In Store!
California Safeway markets are now featuring a whole line of organic products labeled O Organics. Looks like Safeway is finally jumping on the bandwagon. It's about time I'd say. Just this past September Safeway announced a program of commitments...

Go ahead, says David Lebovitz, have a croissant. This week we got the good news that a croissant may be healthier than baguette, butter and jam. Who knew? If you're looking for a way to turn a croissant into a luscious dessert, She Who Eats offers...

- Stepping Outside The Pg-friendly Zone
Silvermoon Dragon has tagged me. For a...ahem...slightly naughty meme. I've always kept this blog on the 'clean' side, family-friendly. Oh, what the heck. Here goes: 1. What food do you consider the best “date” food? In other words,...

