14 & .5

14 & .5

I rarely get cravings, and there's very little in the way of baked goods that even come close to tempting me. But I do love crossiants. Oh, my, do I ever.

Unfortunately, not since we left California have I come across a truly good one. I keep looking, of course. You know, for research purposes. Willing to give 'em a try. For science.

It's not as though I'm eating them on a daily basis, but every once in a while I just want one of those golden crescents.

To this day, I hold up the Rockridge Market Bakery as my croissant standard. I've made them a few time at home, with varying results.

After some back and forth with breadchick, I decided to give Martha's recipe a chance. Yes, she's all pretentious & whacks away at the average home cook's self-esteem (and in fact, that of women in general; I'm so sorry I don't grow my own cotton so I can make clothes for my entire family. bad, deficient, me), but she's a good source for recipes.

So yesterday was croissant-making day. I followed this recipe, and despite the fact it took well over fourteen hours from start to finish...mostly due, I think, to the near-freezing temperatures in the house stunting the dough's risings...I was fairly impressed with the results.

Perhaps my oven runs a bit high, maybe due to the tiles I keep in there at all times; whatever the reason, my croissants cooked up in considerably less time. What really mattered, though, is this: they were flaky, buttery, and good

Took me over half a day to make them. Not nearly so long for everyone else to finish them off.

Time to unpack your grass skirt, and gather your coconuts, because for our 42nd get-tether, it's Tiki, Two here at Blog Party!

Hope to see you there.

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