Cookbook Review: The Sweeter Side of Amy's Bread

Cookbook Review: The Sweeter Side of Amy's Bread

Pecan Sticky Buns, the Original Version Revised

On the advice of a friend who also happens to be a trained pastry chef (hi, Katherine!), I picked up the original Amy's Bread cookbook last year. Having overcome my yeastaphobia seven or so years ago, I'm drawn to just about any yeast-based recipe I can find.

When I was given the opportunity to review this new book from Amy's, I was understandably excited. Or rather, you'd understand if you knew what my life is like.

As always, I grabbed a pad of sticky tabs. When I say there are fourteen or so recipes tabbed, I feel I need to add that this is a book filled with words. Solid introductions to each recipe, large amounts of space devoted to ingredient lists sorted by grams, ounces and volume, clear & detailed instructions and of course, full-page, full-color photos. So, each recipe can take up four or five or more pages.

I also only picked out the most-try-now recipes on my go-round, pastries or cakes I wanted to test out; doubtless another peruse will find me adding a few more tabs.

At Matt's request, I started with these practically-pornographic sticky buns, a favorite of his family.

These rolls were easy to make, and glorious to behold in their finished state. The smell overtook the house, and I gave in and ate one. Or two. I think. Delicious. Rich but not cloyingly sweet. I don't think they lasted more than 2 1/2 days; as Matt says, they're best eaten fresh!

Amy's Mom's Whole Lemon Pie

Under seasonal desserts I found this recipe for a lemon pie. Making it somewhat unique, the entire lemon is mixed up in a blender along with sugar, eggs, butter & vanilla for the filling. Such a lovely aroma.

The crust...probably my only true foodie road bump these days...was a gift: it's made in the food processor! It was one of the nicest crusts I've made yet.

It's not a great photo, it just refused to shine for me. But I gave this to my in-laws, and they loved it. This pie came together so quickly, with such amazing results, I honestly see it becoming a staple. I'm thinking of trying it with Key limes.

This is a lovely book. I like the lay-out, the content, the photos. There's information, recipes, exactly what you need to make some beautiful, sweet, baked goods.

Time to unpack your grass skirt, and gather your coconuts, because for our 42nd get-tether, it's Tiki, Two here at Blog Party!

Hope to see you there.

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