

Well, that's not what they're really called, it just came to me now. Again, the recipe is from Baking by Flavor (just let me know when I'm pushing this book a little to much at you, m'kay?;-)) and I'm pretty sure the results will be amazing if you don't do the two things I did :
1) forgot to put salt in the dough
2) was too occupied reading some food blog (now how did that happen?!?) and let them have just those two minutes too long in the oven.
I know - stupid - stupid - stupid!

The recipe - Oh, I'd love to give it to you, but I've already posted a couple of recipes from this book and my conscience is nagging at me. But I'll let you know this. It's a three component affair, elaborating over 3 pages in the book . You start by making the yeast dough (which you can leave to rise in the fridge if you want, thus stretching the preparation of the buns over two days) and then there's filling and a so-called sticky mixture.

What I found untraditional compared to how I've always made cinnamon buns (Or Snegle as they would be in Danish (literally means snail)) is that the filling is like a crumble and then you put it on top of butter that you've smeared across the rolled-out dough. Like this:


Butter-covered dough

And that gives you:

As for the sticky mixture:

- that goes in the bottom of the muffin cups and makes the oozy, caramelly topping. This looks more like what I'd usually put on top of the dough, then roll it up. But alright! It sure did work!

Luckily, I hadn't totally ruined them, the taste was definitely alright, only the texture a little too crunchy to my liking - but no one to blame but myself...

Seeing I can't just leave you here drooling with no recipe (and although amazon is fast, I'm sure they wouldn't be fast enough right now!) I'll point you to these: Moira did some fantastic looking Cinnamon & Cardamom buns the other day (From a book that is high on my wish list) - and I've also had great results with Nigella's (regular) Norwegian Cinnamon Buns (p. 322) and the wicked, wicked Schneckens (p. 324), both from How to be a Domestic Goddess. Do enjoy!

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