Spiced Rolls: My First Daring Bakers Challenge

Spiced Rolls: My First Daring Bakers Challenge

I think the sound I made following breadchick's invitation to join the Daring Baker's was something like 'whooo!'.

I'd seen posts for previous challenges on some of my favorite blogs, and couldn't help but think 'this would be perfect for me'. A group of people who love to bake, a monthly challenge, and lots of support and friendship? Yeah, I'm all over that.

This month, the challenge was Cinnamon Rolls & Sticky Buns. Because it's me, I quite naturally wanted to make both, but I knew I'd never find the time. Since Matt's the big roll lover, I let him pick, and cinnamon rolls it was.

I only wish this recipe had been made available to me back when I suffered from Yeastaphobia; this was the most incredible, pliable, come-together-as-it-should dough I've ever encountered in a cinnamon roll. Iloved it.

It was, however, a bit hard on my poor mixer. I love rockin-and-rollin' as much as the next gal, but not from a kitchen appliance!

The color's a bit off, due to high ceilings and insufficient lighting in the room, but just look at that dough? Isn't it pretty? And what really got me was the smell...I could just tell it was going to be good.

I had worried about the dough rising properly; the temperatures here have finally dropped below the nineties, so I had no idea who long it would take.

I needn't have worried. Perfect dough, nice and puffy.

I hate being asked to roll dough, of any kind, into a square or rectangle...straight sides refuse to be seen on camera. Or, any where I may be working with the rolling pin.

Now, for the good stuff: the spiced filling! Having been given the option of playing with the spices, I gave Matt free rein. He came up with a mix, equal parts cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, and allspice, plus some sugar.

This was a very sticky dough...

Not my strong suite: slicing rolled food. Ok, I can cut sushi without much damage, but pastries suffer a bit from the effort.

More proof this recipe is amazing: the rolls puffed up perfecly. Then it was time to bake them...

One of 'side effects' of baking? The entire house smells of bread & spice...here are the rolls, just out of the oven.

Recently glazed. You may notice that one roll is missing? That's because Matt couldn't wait any longer to 'test' the finished product.

They were absolutely perfect. Asked to describe them, Matt came up with 'mmmmm....', and 'can't talk; eating'. I think that sums it up.

Alex enjoyed them, as well. Below, photos of a preschooler at breakfast.

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Baking + Cinnamon Rolls + Daring Bakers + Breakfast + Cardamom + Ginger + Allspice + Cinnamon

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