What I did on my Christmas Vacation

What I did on my Christmas Vacation

For Christmas eve day, we drove to North Carolina to spend time with my mom, step-dad & 'baby' sister. We had a lovely brunch, watched Alex get spoiled with Lego's, played with Jack & new puppy Max, and finished up with a guided tour of the Biltmore.

My mom's a pastry chef at the DeerPark, one of the restaurants on the estates. And we not only saw that, but various spots on the grounds (Alex had great fun meeting all the animals, including a retired pair of ENORMOUS work horses), the gift shop at the winery where my sister works, and a few other spots.

We also toured the Biltmore house, itself. Oh, my...gorgeous. And big. And full of steps! I don't think my knees have recovered yet (as I'm sure the Wii would be happy to tell me).

No photos allowed in the house, but I do have shots of the stables, the 'farm', and other spots. What I share with you, however, is this beautiful gingerbread house my mom & the others in her restaurant made. Isn't it lovely?

There's an even more impressive gingerbread building, of the Biltmore itself, on the lowest level of the estate. Again, no photos. Mom's promised to send a picture soon. It's...massive. I think I got a cramp in my hand just looking at all the detail work they did on that thing.

Time to unpack your grass skirt, and gather your coconuts, because for our 42nd get-tether, it's Tiki, Two here at Blog Party!

Hope to see you there.

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