I thought I had an appetite for destruction, but all I wanted was a club sandwich...

I thought I had an appetite for destruction, but all I wanted was a club sandwich...

Oooh, yum! Toasted bread lightly spread with mayo, topped with crisp lettuce and tomato slices, more toasted bread, more lettuce, then sliced (cooked, duh) chicken and bacon, top with final piece of toast. Quarter, impale with cute toothpicks topped with frilly plastic.

Mine was made with Veat and Morningstar Farms bacon, while Matt's used the real thing. A couple of pickles on the side, and all we needed was a middle-aged waitress calling me 'hon' to complete the experience.

Deviled eggs, too...half made with mashed avocado. Mmm...

Blog Party#7 has been announced, and this month? It's all about Red and Hot! Your cocktail and appetizer entries are due in less than two weeks, 16 February; so start planning, and hope to see you at the party!

Tagged with: Food and Drink, Blog Party, Dinner, Sandwiches, Eggs, Blogging

- Five-napkin Sandwich
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- Wartime Wednesday: Country Club Sandwiches
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- Well, Now; That's Interesting
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- Pick-me-up Sandwich
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