Wartime Wednesday: Country Club Sandwiches

Wartime Wednesday: Country Club Sandwiches

"An encyclopedia published about 1900 defines a sandwich as "an article of food consisting of a slice of meat, fish, fowl or other food placed between two slices of bread, which may be plain of buttered." No such simple definition could be given today, for from these simple beginnings the sandwich has developed in all directions, and has adapted itself to such varied needs that it ranges from a fragile morsel served with afternoon tea to an elaborate combination of toast, meat, lettuce, tomato, sauce, and any number of other things, which combine to make it a complete and satisfying meal."---The Victory Binding of the American Woman's Cook Book, pub. 1943

This was an interesting sandwich. Butter slices of toast, on each lay slices of cooked sausage. Cover with tomato sauce; sprinkle with cheese. On this lay a strip of bacon, and bake in a hot oven until the bacon is crispy.

Surprisingly good, if a bit awkward to eat. I used a slightly thicker bread, I suppose, but it was still a rather satisfying...and filling...sandwich.

Blog Party#26 is coming, and this month, we're focusing on What's Inside! All your favorite appetizers with something to hide, and drinks, too...if you can manage!
Entries are due tomorrow, 20 September; hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Wartime Wednesday + Sandwiches + Sausage + Tomato Sauce + Bacon + Toast + Cookbooks + Retro

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