Brain Food

Brain Food

I've been so privileged as to have my man cook for me almost every night, since I started reading for my exam - yes, you're right, that's for the last month or so. I miss my kitchen. I SOOO miss my kitchen. Well, and I guess, just life in general! Not that I'm complaining really - I actually, in some twisted, self-destructive way, enjoy my studies - most of the time!;-)

Last night I had to cook dinner myself (YAY!), and I made these wraps with chickpeas, courgettes and rocket - yummy they we're indeed, devoured in front of the books. Just one more week, and there will (hopefully) be plenty of blogging going on... (No comments on the messy desk - I thrive in it, or so I tell myself anyways!)

Btw, I'm going on a mini-holiday to Berlin with a couple of friends the last weekend in January - any suggestions from you all-knowing, all-seeing people out there?

- Being Spoiled Is...
recieving Molly's new book and reading it within three days (I had to go to work in between. Otherwise I'd have devoured it much faster)having dinner with friends who reveals they're getting married, and squealing with delight at the thoughthaving...

- On Pause For A Moment...
There was a couple tranquil days by Vesterhavet... I gave you post on post on post for 24 days, and then - nothing. I am just a tease, aren't I? I have been sucked into the vacuum that is preparing for yet another exam. Come the end of this month,...

- Chocolate Cherry Cupcakes, Made In A Flash (and Even Faster When You're Just Watching!)
Sometimes, my Man is amazing. Wait, allow me to correct that - he's always amazing. But sometimes he outdoes himself. Like on a cold, cold December night he'd been working and I'd been sitting in front of the heater, studying for my exam,...

- Dining With The Bloggers - September 28th.
As I told you just yesterday, I'm moving. Which means, and I guess that's just the way these things go, that all - or at least, a lot - of my kitchen gadgets and crockery is all put away in big, brown moving boxes. They don't like being down...

- What To Do, What To Do?
I'm at a loss for inspiration food-blogging-wise these days. I think (hope?!) you all know what it's like - it's not because you don't cook, it's just because - well, maybe what you cook are old standby's, maybe they look goddam-awful,...

