Dining with the Bloggers - September 28th.

Dining with the Bloggers - September 28th.

As I told you just yesterday, I'm moving. Which means, and I guess that's just the way these things go, that all - or at least, a lot - of my kitchen gadgets and crockery is all put away in big, brown moving boxes. They don't like being down there, but I've told them it's only for a short while, so so far they've stayed.

Anyhow, that did kind of limit my choices for todays Dining with the Bloggers. Anything using a blender? No. Semi-large pot? No, only have a small one. Oven? Yes, oven I can do, even though we're bringing it. It's still plugged in. But cake tin, muffin cups, loaf pan? Nu-uh.

So I checked my list of bookmarked recipes. And found Mock Deepfried Chickpeas from At Our Table. It's been around, and it's gotten rave reviews! In fact, it was one of the recipes Cathy featured on her first ever Dining with the Bloggers. You haven't tried it yet? What are you waiting for??

Linda's blog was one of the first food blogs I got to know, and one I've been reading ever since. There's cooking, blogging and dinning coming from Chicago to be found here. There's also stories of Lima Bean, Linda's daughter. And to all you mom's out here (or dads): I'm not even a mom (yet) but my heart melted when I read this story! This one's quite cute too! And, back to the food, for a time when all my gear is back in the cupboards, I have that Peach Marmalade (Linda's contribution for IMBB#14) on my to-do-list also.

Anyways, this time, I could manage the Mock Deepfried Chickpeas - or, put the nicer way: Baked Chickpeas with Herbs. Ahem. For some people - for me, not so many herbs. Packed and ready to go, remember? But Linda made a couple of suggestions for other spices, and one of the ones I could fairly easily find was smoked paprika. Not one she'd suggested, but I took some liberty with it. I love smoked paprika.

They're super nice. The chickpeas are easy to do, and hits that crunch-salty-spicy spot right in the bulls eye. And here they are - no, 'course I haven't packed away the camera!

Cathy was faster than me and tried a recipe I've bookmarked too this week!

- Dining With The Bloggers - November 30th
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- Dining With The Bloggers, February 2nd
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